Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Greek Myth- Nyx

This represents the goddess of Night, Nyx. This is my mom, and I had her sit by the rocks and set the long exposure on my camera to 30 seconds. I like it a lot because the stars really stand out and you can tell it's Night but it's also light out and you can see "nyx's face." I had her gaze up at the sky because it looks like she's observing the night sky, as she brought it on.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Greek Myth- Athena

My greek myth was athena. In the story, Athena was said to be the guarder of the city because she planted the first olive tree, and the people respected her for that. I had her stand in front of the city to represent that, and in front of the water to represent Poseidan because she had fights with poseidan. She was also an expert at spinning and weaving, and the necklace represents weaving. Athena was also said to be very pure and innocent, so the white dress represents that.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Modern to Antique- Gavin

This is my antique photo. Overall I think it looks like an antique compared to how it looked before in color. To get this effect, we used the gaussian blur, filters and the paintbrush.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This is my planet. I took this during the sunset by my house. I rotated it so it would look smoother and you wouldn't be able to tell where the line was where they connected.

St. Pattys

This is my St. Patty's photo. I really like the raindrops on the plants, it adds detail and uniqueness. I desaturated the background and then erased the green plants so they stood out, and then i did the lomo effect on it.

Friday, March 12, 2010


This is my lomo photo.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


This is Vanessa. I thought it would be an interesting point of view when it's close to her face and her hair is in front. It also explains her personality a bit because she is always happy and crazy and this photo explains it somewhat. I also dodged her eyes and changed the hue a bit so they would pop out more.


This is emily. I took a picture of her in Waukesha and I added a neon glow to make her look warmer, I dodged her eyes and then I gaussian blurred the background to make her the focus. I also dodged part of her hair to bring out the blonde and lighter parts.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Portrait- Lauren

This is my sister Lauren, and probably my favorite one. Her turqoise shirt really contrasts with the warm tones of the ground and trees, and her eyes accentuate those warm tones. I used a gaussian blur and then erased her so she would be the main focus.

Portrait- Eliana

This is Eliana, I love her eyes in this picture, they popped out and make that the focal point of the image. I used a neon glow on this and it made it look warmer, which compliments the sun on her hair and lighting on her face.

Portrait- Brian

This is my cousin brian, I like how his eyes really pop out and match his shirt. This is my least favorite photo, just because of the expression on his face. I had to photoshop the words out of his shirt, so that's one thing I think I could have done better with this photo, but I like how the background is less saturated because it makes the focal point his eyes.

Portrait- Vanessa

One thing i wish would have been different with this photo is her eyes. They are so dark and they don't pop as much as I would like them to. I thought the point of view was interesting though, and would make for a different looking portrait. I used a neon glow on this to bring out the warm tones and accent the yellow Vanessa was wearing.